Bone Health Journey

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Omega 3 And It’s Benefits

Are you taking Omega 3 because you think it only helps to keep your heart healthy? Well, let me tell you it is good for many other things also.

Your Gut and Immune System Health

Did you know your gut wall is only one cell layer thick? I didn’t even know that until I read it on a web page. The health of that wall is critical to your overall health because about 80% of your immune system is housed in your gut. You not only want your immune system to stay put, but you also want to prevent your gut wall cells from pulling apart, and allowing food particles and bacteria into your bloodstream in a condition called leaky gut. As key components of your cell linings, an important benefit of Omega-3s is in helping you keep everything where it should be for optimal gut and immune system health. I found this information to be quite interesting.

Blood Clotting

Believe it or not, some blood clots are good! When a blood vessel is injured, the prostaglandins that Omega-3s help you produce create blood clots to seal off the damaged area. Just as importantly, they also stand guard to reduce blood clotting as you heal, and to take away clots that are no longer needed.

Heart Health

A flexible, strong blood vessel is a healthy blood vessel, and healthy blood vessels enable your heart to move blood around your body efficiently. They are also thought to help support a healthy heart rhythm.


Recent studies have shown that just 1 gram a day of Omega-3s can be a mood lifter. To put that into perspective, that’s roughly the equivalent of eating three salmon meals per week. How does it work? Researchers are still studying this, however, they believe it’s linked to improving the body’s inflammatory response. Interestingly, one of the reasons that researchers even thought to study this is because cultures that tend to eat a lot of fish report a lower incidence of mood disorders.

Bone Health

Omega-3s benefit your bones as well! That same DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) that we just talked about in terms of infant development continues to be important throughout your life. It affects the calcium balance in your body and impacts membrane function. It also plays a role in bone strength.

So many benefits from this vitamin not only for your bones many other things. Hope you all find this informative.

Have a wonderful day!

Until next time,
