Advocate for Osteopenia & Osteoporosis - Cecilia Shoults

The decision to start this platform for those impacted with Osteoporosis comes from challenges I’ve faced and knowing how important it is for women (and men) to be aware and know the truth about Osteopenia and Osteoporosis.

Medical professionals mean well, but advising you to take this pill and that pill and do xyz may not work for everyone diagnosed.

I want to empower women (and men), help and guide wherever I can by getting those impacted through the challenges of having this bone density classification.

In addition, there isn’t a lot of clear and honest information out there about how to start, overcome and live healthier with this bone condition. I’m looking to change that with my platform. Let’s start this journey together!

The endeavors which make up Bone Health Journey are dedicated in loving memory of my mother. She was my guiding light and inspiration for pursuing this platform.

Read more about her battle here.

My Mother, My Inspiration

“It had been two weeks since I'd slipped on the front stairs of my home and my back was still in excruciating pain. The emergency room doctor I'd seen after my fall thought I had muscle damage and had sprained my back. He prescribed anti-inflammatories and painkillers without taking an X-ray. At the time, I thought I was in too much pain for it to be a sprain, but I took his word and went home.