Tomatoes A Bone Builder
Wondering about my title of my blog?? Well let me tell you what I found out about tomatoes and why they help our bones. I personally would never thought that eating tomatoes were good for your bones. Don’t get me wrong I love tomatoes! So here’s what I found out, it seems that people who consume more tomatoes, tomato paste, sauces, juice experience a lower fracture rate. Tomatoes have a high amount of lycopene which is a bone protective antioxidant. You should consume at least 12 to 30 milligrams of lycopene a day, how can you get that amount in one day? By have a sliced tomato, or a cup of tomato juice which contains 21.91mg of lycopene. Tomato soup contains 13.05 mg. So just my having those three things your getting enough lycopene for you bones. If you don’t like tomatoes which some people don’t, I know my son doesn’t LOL. You can have these, watermelon papaya, grapefruit are also a good source of lycopene.
I know a lot of people say tomatoes are acid-forming, and it’s true but their benefits outweigh any acid contribution. So start eating tomatoes ladies!
Until next time!