Goals for 2022
So since the New Year 2022 is here, did we all make a New Year’s resolution? I didn’t, I decide to set goals for myself, I mean really who actually sticks to New Year resolution anyway. I know I never had, and decided goals are easier to achieve as long as you are mind set. I know I tried hard last year to eat healthier walk more, I have to say it didn’t always work out to what I wanted it to. So I have decided that to set a goal for myself and move forward with that. My one goal is to get outside more instead of doing everything inside. We all need that vitamin D and I know since the Covid pandemic to me I rather stay inside. Not a good move, you need fresh air, and we can’t live in fear of getting Covid. We all just need to be careful as to where we go and how many people we come into contact with. I was reading an article the other day and so surprised as to how many women ignore the fact they have osteoporosis and just keep doing all the wrong things for themselves. It is real ladies, and setting a goal to start your journey in building better bones, is one way to go. Start off with just one goal, and once you reach that one, make another just keep moving forward at you own pace. Goals are easy to reach I think, and like i said I will reach mine, perseverance is what you need. Reach out to me if you might need a word of encouragement, that is why I’m here to help you along your journey.
You all have a wonderful day!