Why I Blog.
I have been asked why do I blog, well there are many reasons. I started to do this because not only due to me having osteoporosis but my mother also did. She was a very healthy active woman, I was myself at one point in my life. After moving to ND I lost interest in exercising, walking. Why? I found myself in this small town not knowing anyone, living in a new part of town with very few homes built around us. The winter’s to me felt so much colder then Canada, maybe because there were hardly any trees or mountains surrounding us. I kind of fell into a stupor and had no motivation at all. I always wanted to write about something just never thought I would be good enough. It took me almost 15 years to finally say I’m going to do this! That’s a long time I know, after losing my Mom in March of 2021 I knew I had to do this. I want women to be aware that this is a real condition, but it’s not the end of you remaining active and healthy. Don’t get me wrong, I still have those days when I’m not as motivated as I should be. That’s when I talk to myself and say get going! (yes I talk to myself LOL)
I also blog to help you all understand that you are not alone in this bone journey, and that there are other options for you other then the meds the doctors want to give you. I enjoy writing these blogs and love to share them with you all. Maybe ot as many people I would like read them, but maybe someday I will have more people reading these and commenting. I will continue to post my blogs I won’t give up, no an option as this is important to me and for those who follow me.
Have a wonderful day, until next time.